OnePeterFive has a good article on John the Baptist.
It is easy to look at the martyrs of the past and think, that can't happen today. We live in the United States of America and have freedom of religion. We are lured into the false sense of confidence that there is nothing to stand up for anymore. That because we can openly go to church on Sunday that we are free to act and behave morally.
The article is a good reminder that John the Baptist did not die directly for his devotion to Jesus, but because of his adherence to the sixth commandment. St. John the Baptist was murdered because he stood up in defense of Marriage.
We find ourselves living in similar times now, Catholics are being persecuted, called bigots, painted as intolerant all because of our adherence to the sixth commandment. So much so that many have given into the temptation and the persecution in order that they may appear tolerant to the rest of society. Our Catholic faith is under attack, we are being asked to accept sin, to ignore it, not to invite the sinner back into the flock, as we so much want to do, but to invite the sin into the flock. There is a big difference between the two.
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